③⑥⑤ days of living my BEST life. ③⑥⑤ days of living with a renewed sense of purpose. ③⑥⑤ days of waking up with the same mission on my mind every single day…….”my vitamins are the shit and I need to share them with the world!”

④⑨⑨ people decided to put their health first
①⑤⑨ of those people started their journey with me personally
②⑥ people decided that they wanted to create a life they love and made the leap to join me in this biz
③ leadership retreats earned to fellowship with other leaders and grow my business
② people (one of them being me) decided to go all-in and now earn a monthly auto bonus.
① all expenses paid, all-inclusive lifestyle Getaway earned for both Justin and I to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
I could go on and on about all the things that have been turned upside down this year and negatively impacted. But I choose to focus on all the things that went right. To be exact, I’ve got ①⑤⓪,④⑥② reasons why this last year has been completely life-changing.
This picture was taken the day that everything I was doing day in and day out for my health and my business all finally clicked and made sense. The day that I realized I was meant for more, built to lead with passion and purpose, and meant to inspire others daily.
To my squad, #𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙢𝘽𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙉𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 thank you for trusting me and deciding to ride this wave of life with me. Thanks for showing up daily and for crawling in the trenches with me! Your friendship, support and hustle mean the world to me!
Premium grade nutrition does a body good, and I’m here to share it with the world! Cheers to 1 year down, and 100 more to go with the best products, the best company, and my dope AF community! #LevelUp my friends!

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