Hey There Friends! Happy Friday! Can you believe we are already half way through June, and half way through the year?!? Where is the time going. When you’re younger you want the time to pass by quickly so you can get a little older. But then you get older and you want time to slow down. I’m definitely at the age where I want it to SLOW DOWN!
Embarking on a Personal Journey
So with the time passing quickly, so are the birthdays year after year. Back in April, I celebrated my 39th Birthday! Even though I feel great, most of the time around 21-22 (except after a night of dancing…..these knees don’t hold up and bounce back like they use to haha), even though I still feel young for the most part, the reality is that in 10 more months, I will be 40!! Its hard to image and even harder to type.
Now, don’t get me wrong. 40 is NOT old. I’ve never thought of someone who was 40 to be “old!” Its just that I truly cannot wrap my head around how I got here so fast. I don’t feel 40, and I definitely don’t feel like I look it! Haha pat on the back for good genes and a consistent skincare routine for the last 20 years! Lol
Fit by 40
Just like any other woman turning 40 would do, I am already planning to most epic 40th birthday bash, and one thing that I refuse to be at 40 is unhealthy and not in the best shape of my life. It doesn’t matter what numerical size you are, or what the number on the scale says, just because you are perceived as “normal size or small” doesn’t always mean you are healthy and in shape.
Fortunately for me, I am one who probably obsesses with my internal health more than others, and I stay on top of all of my numbers and as far as internal medicine is concerned, my doctors say I am in great health. All of my numbers and vitals are in range of where they should be, I’m not on any medications, and I’m feeling great. But sometimes, the numbers aren’t enough personally. I know my numbers could always be better, and physically, things could always be better. I want to be able to do things as freely as possible, and I know that requires me taking my health journey more seriously and truly getting in the best shape of my life. So the next 10 months I am dedicating to a true physical transformation.
Trust the Process
I am two weeks into this new journey and I’m feeling amazing, and can already notice a few slight changes. I’ve got my supplements in check, a structured food plan, a consistent and mapped out workout plan, and more importantly, a new sleep schedule. All of these things working together will set me up for success in reaching my ultimate goals. Here’s a quick overview of what I’m doing:
- Morning: prebiotic, probiotic, post-biotic, COQ10, Fat-Burning Collagen and metabolism boosting capsules
- Lunch: Multi-Vitamin pack and Greens drink
- Evening: Digestive Enzymes and Sleep capsules (when needed)
All of my supplements are linked HERE. If you decide you want to try anything, simply delete what you don’t want and then checkout (discount for brand new customers will apply automatically at checkout)Food:
Intermittent fasting is something that has worked for me in the past, and has worked for so many of my friends. But at this point in my life, and how my schedule is setup with work and other commitments, Intermittent fasting is no longer the best option for me personally. Completing a workout, full out the way I want to and how I should is fairly difficult for me to do on a completely empty stomach, since my workouts 90% of the time are done in the mornings. So I just plan my meals at times that make the most sense for me and my schedule, with the goal to be done eating meals and any snacks by 8pm most days.
I am starting out for the first 6 weeks counting calories. I’m currently shooting for 1,420 calories a day. After 6 weeks, I will switch over to counting Macros, focusing on 107g C, 178g P, 32g F.
Food has never really been a struggle for me as far as eating unhealthy things. It’s usually the timing of my eating that has been my downfall, thus the reason no meals or snacks after 8pm now!
If you’re wanting to eat better, but don’t know where to start. And you’re looking for healthy food options that are high in protein, you need help with meal planning, healthy carbs, healthy condiment options, AND portion sizes; be sure to check out my High Protein Meal Planning Bundle Pack! You can learn more HERE! This is the exact plan I am following, and that has helped me to feel better, start toning, sleeping better, and have lost a little over 5lbs in the last week and a half!
Fitness: The goal is to do 45-60min workouts 5 days a week, HITT focused on heavy lifting, with (2) rest days. But I’m also walking/running 20-30min 7 days a week (also making sure I get in a minimum of 10,000 steps each day). My husband and I are planning on running a mini….maybe a full marathon in December, so the training is on!
To take the fitness journey to optimal levels, we are planning on doing cold plunges and infrared sessions. The goal is to complete a workout, do 15-20 min in the infrared sauna at 140-150 degrees, then immediately go and do the cold plunge for 2-3min. The results from this are really mind blowing:
- improved circulation
- increased energy
- reduced muscle and joint soreness
- helps to unclog pores
- improves your immune support
- helps with weightloss
- improves sleep
- and helps to overall relax your body!
The cold plunge is actually being delivered today, and the infrared sauna is being installed the following week! (shhhhhh! Its a bday surprise for my hubby!!! and don’t worry, he unfortunately doesn’t read my blog haha!)
Short Term Sacrifices, for Longterm Payoff
Even though my boy Dave Ramsey said it first, the saying is true. Sometimes you have to sacrifice for just a bit in order to truly reap the payoff that you really desire. So these next few months are going to be challenge for sure, but the reward is going to be amazing. If anyone decides they want to join me on this journey, feel free to message me. I will guide you as best I can and share in detail exactly what I am doing to get results and feel amazing!
I hope you all have an amazing weekend, and I can’t wait to continue sharing this amazing journey with each of you!
Oh yeah, if you want to see my daily workouts, be sure sure to head over Instagram and give me a follow. I’m sharing my daily workouts and food over there! :-). IG: @thebigbluedebutante
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