This time of year always puts me in the mind frame that summer is quickly approaching, and I’ve got to get my body in shape to wear a super cute swimsuit! So today I wanted to share some of the best swimsuits finds out there! All of these are less than $35 and I think are flattering on just about anyone! The vibrant colors and different shapes of the pieces are so fun!
The Goods
So here are my top 6 favorite swimsuits that are out right now:
Beach Ready
all of these swimsuits are perfect for the beach or poolside. Summer is so much better in color, and I love all of these because of their unique and vibrant colors and patterns. I love asymmetrical tops and ruffles. They just make everything more fun and flirty!
So who’s ready to hit the water now? I know I am! Head on over to the blog and leave me some comments on this post and let me know what some of your summer plans are. We are always looking for fun and new destinations, but year after year we always find ourselves back in Cancun! WOOHOO!!! Click HERE to head on over to the blog post!

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