Happy New Year Everyone!! Can you all believe that it is already 2018? Where in the world did 2017 go? Well, if you’re anything like me, you enjoy the start of a new year. New Goals, New Resolutions, New Beginnings! We all get a another chance to do things our way and its like a fresh start.
I like to start each year with a set of goals, I write them down and once a month I check in and see where I stand. For me, looking at my goal list everyday only frustrates me. Its hard for us to sometimes see our progress on a daily basis, so doing the monthly check-in work a little better for me.
So without further ado, I would like to share with you all my goals for this year in hopes that you all have set some attainable goals for yourself too 🙂
- Grow – this one word holds so many meanings, and is meant to be used in several phases of my everyday life. I want to continue to grow in my new position in the corporate world, help to grow my team so that they reach their goals and fullest potential, but I would also like to grow in my personal life. Grow and cultivate my marriage, and grow our family.
- Travel – before we start settling down and making the final decision to start a family, I would like to get a few more trips under our belt with just the two of us to enjoy some quality time
- Social – I want to devote more time and energy to this little space we now know as The Big Blue Debutante, but also bring creative content to you all in a different way, with my youtube channel.
- Date Night – This goes back to helping to cultivate and grow my marriage. One thing I took the initiative in doing, is scheduling a date night for every Friday with the hubby! So for this month of January, I used the handy dandy Open Table app and made reservations for us at a different restaurant every Friday night for the entire month! So far, date night number one was a success! 🙂
- Self Care – I have always been one to take good care of myself, but I want to focus a bit more this year on skincare specifically. I’m a skincare junkie at heart, but I also tend to be set in my routine and rarely experiment with products once I find things that work. Well last weekend after doing a ton of research, I decided to step out of my comfort zone a bit and change up my skincare game from my normal products. I officially started last night a 10-step Korean skincare regimen. I know 10 steps sounds outrageous to some, but there is rhyme and reason behind multi-step regimens. I won’t share too much now, as I am working on a video review once I complete 30 days of use, but lets just say that I am truly “glowing to the Gods today!” ha ha!
- Family Time – I know many of you are in the same boat as myself, and most of your family lives hours and even states away, therefore getting time to spend with them is few and far between. Up until the last couple of years, I’ve always been really good about getting back home often to visit with my family and friends, but life has gotten so busy that its become quite the scheduling task. So I have GOT to do better with this one. I have parents that are getting older, nephews that are growing up like weeds, and siblings that I miss terribly.
- Community Service / Charitable Contributions – Through the years, I have always been pretty good about donating to causes that are near and dear to my heart, but this year, things need to be a little different. I don’t necessarily want to focus on giving more to charities and organizations through my wallet, but I want to be more focused and diligent with donating my time and being present for organizations who are doing a lot of good in this world.
The only way we are going to achieve everything we set out to do, is if we find like people to help support us and hold us accountable. So share your goals with me, and I will help cheer you along throughout the year!
Hope everyones year has gotten off to a great start!!
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