Happy Sunday ya’ll! I know everyone is gearing up for the Thanksgiving holiday this week AND the biggest shopping day of the year, but I thought this post would be fitting today for a couple of reasons. I know my family has thrown around the idea of doing the holidays in either Las Vegas or somewhere in Florida several times over the last few years, but we’ve never actually made it happen. This takes the stress out of shopping for everyone, but it also takes away from the traditional Christmas festivities.
With all of that said, I recently went to Vegas last month and thought that if some of you were thinking about making the trip soon, I would share some recommendations with you! So if you’ve never been to Las Vegas, well get ready to book your trip after you read this post. I’ve been fortunate enough to have visited Las Vegas 4 times now, and each time I’ve had a different experience and would like to share my best recommendations so far.
Viva Las Vegas
Each time I’ve visited, I’ve traveled with different people, stayed at different hotels, ate at different restaurants, and even visited during different times of the year. So since Vegas is on just about every human’s bucket list, why not throw together my trip guide for when you are short on time…..and maybe even cash! ha!

Where to Stay
As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been to Vegas several times over the years. I’ve stayed at a different hotel each time I’ve visited. Here’s the rundown, and in order of my visits:
- Stratosphere – if you’re balling on a budget, this is a great option (very end of las vegas strip) (5)
- Treasure Island – in the middle of las vegas strip (4)
- Mandalay Bay – at the beginning of las vegas strip (3)
- MGM – at the beginning of las vegas strip (2)
- Caesars Palace – My favorite so far (middle of the las vegas strip) (1)
The number at the end of each of the hotels above, it the rating for my pick on which is the best. Clearly Caesars Palace is coming in at the top spot, and that’s where I stayed this past trip. I say that, to say this: If you stay there, request to stay in the Octavious Tower! This past week I went with three other ladies and we each were put in a different tower. Based on their feedback, I had the Taj Mahal! I had an amazing view, the room was extremely spacious, amazing furniture, super chic decor. It was very evident that my tower had been recently renovated!
What to Do
- Pool Day – I can’t recommend this enough. On two of my visits to Vegas, it has been warm enough for the pool, and going to Vegas in October is PERFECT pool weather. It’s not too hot, and there is a good breeze blowing. We reserved one of the Day beds by the Neptune Pool in the Garden of the Gods at Caesars Palace. You get a dedicated day bed with pillows and towels, a personal wait staff who gets you food and drinks, and you get to relax! It was actual perfection!

2. Make Dinner Reservations – There are so many great restaurant options in Vegas, and they vary in price points as well. I would recommend making reservations wherever you go, especially if it will be in the evening. I am a HUGE fan of the Open Table app, and I book everything through there. You can search by time slots, food preference, and overall availability. It also lets you know upfront the price range of the restaurant and you can also check out reviews.
RECOMMENDATION: If a good steak is your thing, you definitely need to check out STK in the Cosmopolitan! DELISH!
3. Entertainment – whether a show or a night club is up your alley, there are plenty of both for you to choose from in Las Vegas! If a major artist like J.Lo, Celine Dion, Britney Spears, or someone like that happens to be doing a residency, I would highly suggest trying to get tickets for one of their shows. If not, there are plenty of other cool and entertaining options:
RECOMMENDATION: A couple of years back when my husband and I visited, we were able to see Absinthe. It is an awesome show that is actually on the Caesars Palace property. Also, if you’ve watched the show America’s Got Talent this past season, then you will notice one of the acts. The brother and sister roller skate acrobatic duo!

4. Shopping – If you are a shopaholic, then Vegas will be your new playground and you can truly shop til you drop! HOWEVER, I will say this. Most of the shopping in Vegas is your more high-end luxury brands. If you are a label snob, then you’ll be just fine. Everywhere you look there is Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Louboutin, Armani, Tiffany’s, etc. There are also a few nearby outlet malls that have great options, that in my opinion are a bit more affordable, but they are a cab ride away.
5. Get Your Drink On – Literally everywhere you turn, there is a bar. Take advantage of the margarita and daiquiri bars you see, and get you a souvenir cup and go back and get refills daily! Try all the flavors because they are delish! And the best part is you can walk up and down the Vegas strip with your drink in hand! 🙂

What Happens in Vegas…..
Overall, Las Vegas is a really fun city to visit. There is so much to do, that every day you will find yourself exhausted. There is so much to see in so little time, and I never feel like I get everything on my list done while I’m there. But I will say that 3-4 days in Vegas is all you need. I prefer to go on Thursday through Sunday. I find that gives me just the right amount of time there, and my jetlag isn’t too bad when I get back because I wasn’t there long enough to adjust.
Well I hope everyone plans their Vegas trip soon, and also have a great holiday season!

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