“I don’t have the money for skincare!” “Oh My, your skincare is so expensive!” That’s a line I hear quite often…..actually multiple times a day. But yet those people who say that, are the first ones you see driving a car they can’t afford, be the first in line at Starbucks, or have the latest designer handbag, all while complaining about how terrible their skin is! After hearing that so many times and just getting a flat out NO from people, that alone would defeat most. But not me! When people tell me no, it just pushes me that much harder to prove them wrong and eventually make them a believer!

I’m sure by now if you follow me on Twitter or Snapchat, you’ve seen my posts about my skincare business, aka my “side hustle” aka Rodan and Fields! I share it and talk about it not only because it’s my business and I use the products, but more importantly because I believe so strongly in the products and the brand!
Have you ever thought, “I really want to try Rodan + Fields, but I don’t want to spend that much on skincare.” Trust me, I get it! I was the EXACT same way in the beginning….well my husband was! Ha!
Here are some things I want you to consider if the thought of trying R+F has ever crossed your mind:
- Each regimen will last you at least 2 months, and honestly, for most people, it’s 3-4 months. That’s a couple bucks per day for 4 products that will change your skin!
- Radiant Defense will protect and perfect your skin and, when combined with a regimen, will eliminate the need for makeup! (Other than eyes and lips, maybe some mascara to accentuate those Lash Boost lashes!) TIME AND MONEY SAVED! Unless you’re like me and just love makeup regardless of how good or bad your skin looks underneath!

- The Eye Cream lasts about 4 months, sometimes longer depending on how much you use! (Works out to 60 cents/day)
- The AMP MD Roller lasts an entire year!
- Once you do need product again, you don’t HAVE to buy a complete Regimen. Just buy what you need!
Let’s think about it for a second, how much money do you waste on grocery store makeup or even high-end department store makeup that might cover your imperfections but not help eliminate them and improve your skin? On ones you’ve tried and not loved and now can’t return? I’m guessing it’s plenty. How many half-empty bottles of foundation do you have in your drawer? I’m guessing too many! Stop wasting money and invest in products that work and that you’ll love! The right products in the right combination, in the right order. That’s the key. Take the guesswork out when it comes to your skincare. These regimens are simple and clear-cut and clinically proven to work! Yes, your initial purchase might be more than you expect, but this is because you are buying EVERYTHING you need to COMPLETELY TRANSFORM YOUR SKIN!! 60 day, empty bottle money back guarantee! You have nothing to lose, except getting amazing skin or your money back! (I don’t know any drugstore or high-end brands offering a money back guarantee!….I’m just saying!)

So if you’re ready to take a step in the right direction and start 2019 off right, click HERE to figure out the best products for your skincare needs! To sweeten the deal, I’ll even send you a free Mini Glow Kit PLUS give you $20 off the purchase of your first regimen!
If you have any questions, leave me a comment below or use the contact form and send me a message! I can’t wait to see your amazing transformation!
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