Alright, ladies and gents! If you are ready for some honest realness, then keep on reading. If you like all the fluffy stuff, then maybe go back and scroll through some of my past posts. Because today my friends, we are getting real and straight to the point.
A little over a year ago when I started this blog, my grand idea was to feature all of my latest fashion and beauty finds, in hopes that you would like them. And then just maybe if the items were super fabulous and you really loved them, you would want to buy them and I just might earn a little bit of commission from the sales. I saw TONS of other so-called “fashion bloggers” living this grand life through their blogs, Instagrams, and fab PR opportunities. The lives they were living, I wanted a piece of it too. Mainly because if they could do it, why couldn’t I, right? Well, the truth is, I can’t live that life. It’s just not in me. I’m not a size 2 with a skin tone that’s in the majority, an assumed and perceived unlimited stream of income to splurge every day on super expensive designer handbags, overpriced shoes and clothes, and an endless supply of vacation days to travel the world all while getting paid to snap and post a pic here and there. That’s just not my reality or my truth. My point in saying all that is what you see online via the little squares on Instagram, through the 10-second snaps, or on the walls of various facebook trendsetters, 99% of the time isn’t authentically portrayed as “realness.” Now, I’m not saying all these fancy fashionista’s are living a complete lie, but I am 100% confident in saying that the majority of their real day to day lives are not being seen on their feeds. I want to be able to give you all a little bit of the good, the bad and the ugly. More times than not, someone else out there is going through the same things I am, so why not share a little and maybe we can all better support one another, right?
Well, my truth is that I am a 30 something working professional in corporate America who has fought hard for the life and career that I have. I put myself through college financially, I’ve always held down a job (even at times two jobs), I’ve been knocked down more times than I can count, doubted at every corner, been better to most people than I have ever thought about being to myself, and always strived to do better each day. Now, I’m not saying all that was without some stumbling blocks along the way, but we all fall down at times. It’s how we choose to get back up and dust ourselves off that counts.
So with all of that being said, I have decided to really take a step back and figure out who I am and what I have to offer to this world. I strive to be the best wife, sister, aunt, friend, and employee I can be. But I can’t help but think that there is more for me to do in ways of helping others. So after thinking long and hard, I realized that I have this platform that I have worked hard to grow over the last year, but I haven’t really been using it in the best way to really share my passions. I was sharing with you all things that weren’t really the most “important” to me and truly define me.
I spend a great deal of my time each and every day in an office setting where my main goal is to look after the best interest of not only an entire company but also hundreds of people. I do that by helping them to reach their fullest potential each and every day, and providing them with guidance along the way. So I’ve decided to bring some of that passion and knowledge out of the corporate world, and incorporate it into this little blog space of mine. I want to bring you all life from the working professionals’ point of view. Some of the things I hope to share with you are:
- travel tips and hacks for the working woman
- resume do’s and dont’s
- how to land your next job: interview tips from a pro
- how to dress for success
- office attire staple pieces
- making friends in the workplace
- what to do when you make an enemy in the workplace
- how to better position yourself for a raise or promotion
These topics are things that I live in my everyday life! I will still be incorporating beauty and fashion, but just in a way that makes sense for my life and how I live it each day. So, “allow me to reintroduce myself……” (of course that was in my best Jay-Z voice! haha). My name is Candace and I am a working woman trying to live my best life, and doing the best I can each and every day to not only keep myself pushing forward but also inspiring others along the way to do the same!
I am so excited to revamp and reset this little space of mine, and in turn, I hope you all take away something from it!
Stay tuned. More to come! 🙂
Yes girl! Love this and cannot wait to read and share! Your hustle and ambition is such an inspiration! You are one of only a handful of people that make me strive to do and be better every day! Keep it up! You’re #GirlBoss defined! 😘😘
well hell Jess!! You’re gonna make me into a big ole ball of mush! lol….These other bloggers were holding me hostage like the wind was doing you and your dress! hahah!! no seriously, thanks so much for your support and friendship. Its means a ton to me! You need to listen to Cardi B’s new song with Chance the rapper….the chorus is us! 🙂
Hi Candace! I think those topics are beyond important and you should impart the wisdom you have gained to the rest of us. I’m excited to see what you share next.
Keri Elaine
Thanks so much Keri! I feel so rejuvenated and ready to rock-n-roll!! I’ve have so much to share in hopes that they help others out as they have me! Hope you are doing well! 🙂
Cannot wait for the other posts!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
I love your blog and I’m so excited to read your upcoming posts! You’re a rock star my dear! 🙂
Thanks Nat!!! 😘😘