It’s almost here ya’ll…..BLACK FRIDAY!!! I know everyone has their lists ready and you have a million and one things to get. Hopefully these picks I’m sharing from Amazon will help to check a few of the special women in…
Monday Must-Haves: October 28, 2019
Hey Ya’ll!! Long-time no hear from, right? Well, it has been a busy month and a half and I can’t seem to keep it all together! BUT, one thing I have been keeping up with is my shopping! haha! What’s…
May 2019 Amazon Haul featuring Daily Ritual
Hey Ya’ll! Can you believe May is almost over? Where in the world is the time going and why is 2019 flying by? I guess time does pass by pretty fast when you’re having fun, right?! Amazon Haul – May…
Favorite Outfits from April 2019
Hey Ya’ll! Can you all believe it is May already? Where is this year going? Time is flying by, and it kind of makes me sad, but I’m a little happy because its spring (almost summer) and these are my…
The Only Jumpsuit you Will Ever Need
Happy “Hump Day” guys! I don’t know about you all, but between this crazy weather and just life being so busy, I am ready for a vacay ASAP! We’ve had rain, snow, and sunshine all in a weeks time. Just…
Amazon Prime Wardrobe: Is it Worth the Hype?
Hey Ya’ll! Can you believe we are already in the month of November? I can’t! Where in the world has this year gone!? So unless you’ve been living under a rock these last few months, then I’m sure you know…