People often think I’m crazy when they learn I’m in direct sales, along with my corporate job. I use to question myself too, but now I know entirely too much and have experienced more things that I know most never will, so I’ve learned not to question anymore. So since people tend to judge the things they don’t understand, I figured I would break it down for everyone!
Here are 10 reasons why I decided to get into direct sales, and why I chose my social retail partner:
𝟏 – First things first – I wanted to get my health in check! My old products were no longer working for me, and I knew with getting older, I needed premium grade, CLEAN products to help me get back to feeling my best. I’m at a point in my life where I quality and ingredients matter to me, so I decided to choose wisely.
𝟐 – I really needed something of my own. I feel like I have highly marketable skills that I can utilize for my family’s benefit without having all the “red tape” and politics of a corporate environment. Something that was truly my own, that I could call the shots with. This business allows me the freedom to do just that.

𝟑 – I needed a sense of community. One that was truly based on people wanting to be here, not because they felt they had to stay because they were fearful of the backlash if they left, or what others think. Everyone is truly here because they want to be here. I have met some of my very best friends thanks to this industry, and for that, I will be forever grateful.
𝟒 – Cloud-based business. Everything is done virtually and I LOVE it! If I conduct business in-person, its because I choose to, not because I have to. I can “work” from my laptop, iPad, or phone. From my home office, my couch, the beach, on a cruise, or in another country. Wherever I go, my business goes with me!

𝟓 – Uncapped earning potential. No salary bands, or pay grades to stunt my growth or earning potential. I am compensated for my efforts, paid weekly, earn an insane auto bonus, and I truly have the ability to make more money than my leader.
𝟔 – Travel. My family and I LOVE to travel and this business opportunity allows us to travel more frequently. The best part is that the majority of the time it is completely free.
𝟕 – I really love helping other people. I love to help people look good, feel good, and do well in life. I truly believe this is why I was placed here on this earth. If i’m winning, so should everyone else!
𝟖 – The products. THEY WORK. No question, not a doubt in my mind, these products work. The best part, they work for any and everyone. That’s the beauty of this line. We all need it. So as far as I’m concerned, its a product line that can withstand the test of time
𝟗 – Recognition. Most won’t admit it, but everyone likes to be recognized for their efforts. Even if it’s just a pat on the back or a heartfelt note, everyone wants to feel appreciated and get the warm fuzzies. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and with this industry, and this team, in particular, there is no shortage of that.
𝟏𝟎 – I don’t have a “boss” or a “manager!” I run my own business, I work my business when I want, where I want, and how I want. Sure, just like with anything, there are laws, policies, and procedures. But is there only one way of running a business successfully?…ummmm NO! That’s for me to decide how I want to run my personal business, and one of the reasons why I love doing this and creating the brand and legacy I want to see for many years to come!
I hope you all never let someone dull your dreams and goals, or tell you that you can’t do something. The only person who couldn’t do something was the person that never tried. Direct Sales / Network Marketing is an amazing industry and a smart business decision. If you’re open to learning more and asking questions, I am an open book and here to help guide you and help you to reach your fullest potential. Remember, anything is possible when you have an open mind! Happy Monday friends! 🎉
P.S. – If you want to sample my clean living supplements – CLICK HERE
OR, If you are ready to elevate your future, and want to learn more about locking arms with me in this business, CLICK HERE

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