As I sit here typing this, I am so beyond thankful for this little black patch on my arm. Thankful for the energy it gives me and for the mood support it’s providing right now, because the old me would have already been on 100 right about now!

📛People love to try you
📛People love to shower you with their negativity
📛People love to play victim
📛People can never see the glass half full
📛People can never see past their own BS
Why? Because they are stuck in a small mindset that doesn’t allow them to think any other way. They think this big ole world we live in only revolves around them, therefore their problems are the problems of the world.
Well I’m here to tell you that if you want different, you have to go find different. You want change, well it starts with you. You can’t rely on other people to change your situation or your life. That has to be done by you boo boo!
So when you’re ready to stop having your pity party, my tribe and I will be here to help open your mind to something different…..but only when you’re ready!
Happy Tuesday Ya’ll. LET’S GO! I💪🏽

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