Hey Friends! TGIF! If you’re reading this, then it means you’ve made it through another week! Congratulations!
The first week, specifically the first work week of the new year can definitely be challenging. If I’m being honest, this week kicked my butt. But all the more reason why I decided to sit down and really map out my thoughts around what I hope this new year will bring. Not only for myself but for so many of you.
Do You Ever Feel Like…
Do you ever feel like you are literally carrying around the weight of the world? For most of 2022, that’s exactly how I felt. Somebody else had a problem, I was their therapist. If someone was sick, I was the doctor. You needed to get from point A to point B, I was the taxi. If you needed a referral, I wrote the best! Out of a job and needed a job, I was their personal headhunter. Someone needed money, I was their personal ATM. The list could go on and on. But what I failed to realize until now, is that during most of the events that took place during the last year (and some were pretty downright sad and depressing), most looking from the outside in wouldn’t have thought there was anything going on. But what was crazier to me, was not many people took the time to ask either. I mean isn’t it common courtesy to just check on your people from time to time? So with that said, here are a few things I vowed to myself for this new year:

Lesson’s to Carry into the New Year
- Being able to rest my head at night is of the utmost importance to me. So even when it’s not reciprocated, I am always going to support and cheer people on with their endeavors. Even in life in general. Even though I know others probably wouldn’t do the same for me, life isn’t intended to be “tit for tat.” I just want peace in my life, and sometimes that comes just by doing what is right in your soul
- It’s okay to love people from afar. This is something that I have practiced daily due to the curve balls that life has thrown me over the last year.
- Just like friendships, marriages, businesses, etc, phones and other forms of communication work both ways. This I know. But even with knowing that, it’s nice to know that sometimes people will meet you even a quarter of the way.
- In 2023, I am no longer going to accept ANY less than what I deserve. Furthermore, I will NOT keep quiet for piss poor behavior from anyone. It doesn’t matter your “last name,” financial status, social status, occupation, title, etc. If I see it, I’m calling it out and keep it moving.
- If I see something I want, I’m going after it, no questions asked. No hesitation. Zero regrets.
- I’m going to do me, and I won’t apologize for being me.
- It didn’t really hit me until this past week, but I believe I have been called for something greater in life. I’m extremely appreciative of the circle I have in my life at this very moment. The folks that are day in and day out truly working to help make my dreams come true and the vision a reality. It is because of each and every one of you, that my message will be heard across this country, and even around the world very soon.
- I will not be entertaining the opinions of others. They do not pay my bills.
- Never play small. I don’t have time for that. Live life by the “40% rule.” When your mind tells you it’s quitting time, you are actually only 40% spent. Keep going!
- Stay humble, and do everything with a grateful heart.
Alignment is the Key to Everything

With all of the above being said, it also takes me back to one key element: ALIGNMENT. Nothing works if you aren’t aligned with your soul, the right people, the right environment, etc. When you let negative energy come in and mess with your alignment, you can kiss your goals and plans goodbye. They just do not mix. Take the next 15 minutes, and listen to THIS podcast episode I recorded a few months back, which talks all about alignment. It will help to put a lot of this into perspective. Hopefully, it also helps to light a fire in your core, and you make your own top 10 list of what your personal intentions are for this year.
I hope you all know that you were made for more. Destined for greatness! Sometimes it takes some life curveballs, some missed steps, and a few haters to take you off your A-game for you to realize your worth. When you finally discover your worth, start charging tax and start the most amazing marathon of your life. I believe in you friends!
Now let’s go be great!

P.S. – Did you miss last week’s post? Be sure to check it out HERE!
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